Marketing and Myers-Briggs

In a world full of personality tests, there’s one that simply cannot be ignored. The world’s leading personality tool, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is used by world-class businesses, organizations, and renowned universities across the globe.
With the MBTI, each test-taker is directed to four core personality dynamics. Consumers can be one of 16 available Myers Briggs personality types. INFJ’s, for example, can be insightful visionaries, or ESTP’s can be energetic problem solvers. Knowing what these types are according to Myers Briggs will give you a monumental leg up in marketing your brand or business. In fact, you can use Myers Briggs to develop marketing personas, which are critical to brand success. These MBTI personality types, though simple to remember, give incredible insight to the ways in which we think, act, and make purchases.
* Introvert or Extrovert? Where does your consumer get their energy, and what makes them feel more energized? When crafting up your buyer persona, see if your client draws their decisions based off of their internal self or their outer world. If more introverted types get their energy from solitude, consider reaching these types either much later in the day or early in the morning when they are most likely to be solo. On the flip side, extroverted types should be reached when engaged in group activities — at work, at school, during professional get-togethers.
* Sensing or Intuition? Does your consumer trust sensory information more or do they read between the lines? Is your target audience perfectly fine with receiving basic details or do they have a need to interpret additional meaning? For example, sensing individuals, who live more-so in the present, learn by doing, and will love presentations, demos, and webinars.
* Thinker or Feeler? Many B2C consumers make decisions based off of their feelings and emotions. This cannot be highlighted enough with Feeling types. In your marketing campaigns, target their emotions and they will imagine a future of possibilities involving your brand or business’s products and services. In contrast, Thinkers value details and data, and need facts and efficiency. Feelers value connection, and will take into greater account the people behind your business — reach out to Feelers with emotions, and a more humanistic approach. Thinkers will value and will be pulled towards logic and consistency.
* Judger or Perceiver? Judgers are more linear thinkers than Perceivers, and prefer things to be more direct and straightforward. If you are looking to create a new business website to appeal to Perceivers, remember that these types will like to move around and wander as they navigate your site. Judgers will like more linear direction.
As you explore the different personalities listed in Myers Briggs, you will understand more fully your clients’ motivations, behavior patterns, and reasons behind their buyer decision-making. Remember, also, that brands have their own personalities. If your brand has a clearly defined personality according to MBTI, you will be able to create and maintain a strong framework for consistent, dependable brand presentation. Through brand guidelines, mission statements, values, and other identifiers in alignment with an MBTI personality type, consumers will be able to recognize your brand and what it stands for more than ever.