The Power of Content Marketing for Small Businesses

Just because your business is small doesn’t mean your marketing impact can’t be big!
Any small business owner who wants to grow and expand their business knows the importance of establishing and building a loyal customer base. Even if you are providing high-quality products or services, the reality is that without successful and effective marketing, your chances of reaching the right customers are very slim.
In the modern business world especially, a small business without a content marketing plan is a small business that is falling behind.
Content marketing is a long-term strategy that involves creating and publishing valuable content. It has a powerful effect on your relationship with your target demographic, can improve audience engagement, and drives profitable customer action.
So what can content marketing do for your small business? Rest assured that this kind of marketing provides big returns for a small investment.
First and foremost, content marketing will get you ahead of competitors who are stuck using outdated marketing techniques. According to one study by GoDaddy and RedShift, 60% of small businesses have no information listed online.
Not only will content marketing give you a competitive edge, but when you use social media, blogs, and other tools in order to distribute your message, you will be implementing an incredibly cost-effective marketing strategy. Even as a small business, you can launch content marketing campaigns that offer a high return on investment. For example, a strong content marketing strategy includes the creation of social media posts. Once these posts are published, they will continue to drive traffic to your site in the future without extra cost. In contrast, with paid advertising, your reach will cease to exist once you stop paying for a campaign to be live.
Finally, content marketing can work wonders for your small business when it comes to conversion rates. Your goal as a business is to convert prospects into customers. If consumers read or view your content without wanting to take action that’s profitable for your business, then you know your marketing techniques need work. However, according to an Aberdeen Group report, content marketing results in conversion rates that are six times higher than other marketing techniques.
Take advantage of content marketing, and see what it can do for your small business today and in the future.