Trust & Connection: Why Influencers Are Now a Must in Beauty Marketing

One of the biggest changes in beauty marketing this decade has been the introduction of social media influencers. Once thought of as a flash in the pan phenomenon, influencers have grown to hold significant power in the beauty space, collecting cult-like followings that have completely altered the way that brands market their products.

New research shows that influencers are gaining more and more power in the beauty space, prompting long time brands steeped in traditional marketing campaigns to change their strategies or risk losing credibility and attention. This has led to the dominance of social media influencers, particularly on Instagram, Youtube and TikTok, where followers covet the opportunity to feel connected to their favorites.


Consumers these days are no longer impressed by traditional marketing featuring celebrities in TV commercials and magazine articles. Increasingly, what customers want is a personal connection with someone who reminds them of themselves. Followers value the ability to ask personal questions, and maybe even get a response. This has led to the rise of the “microinfluencer,” influencers with fewer followers who have the time to individually respond to their fans. Consumers report feeling specially connected to influencers, and consider them to be their friends. This means that followers enjoy seeing posts about all aspects of an influencer's life, not just the content about makeup and products.


Surveys show that the appeal of the influencer is all about trust. Seeking out influencers who have similar skin types and skin sensitivities, consumers feel they are receiving product recommendations tailored just for them from someone who has their best interests at heart. Therefore, it’s imperative that brands aim to create products that will reach a diverse consumer-base for varying skin types and ethnicities.


All of this is not to say that followers are fooled by paid influencer endorsements and ads. In fact, consumers come to trust their favorite influencers even more when they are open and honest about which products they are being paid to promote. Giving a product a negative or critical review is a sign of legitimacy, and will only build a tighter bond with their followers.

With market spending on influencers projected to increase by billions in the coming year, beauty companies are looking for more creative and effective ways to partner with the best influencers in the game. As the beauty industry continues to evolve, the rise of the influencer appears to be a fixture in the marketing landscape that will only become more essential to a successful content campaign.

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